Dupa o perioada de proba de doi ani, RTR Tyre Management, cel mai mare furnizor independent de contracte de inchiriere anvelope cu plata per kilometru din Benelux, a decis sa creasca semnificativ partea anvelopelor GT Radial in cadrul contractelor manageriate si administrate.

RTR Tyre Management este una dintre companiile din Benelux, specializata in managementul anvelopelor, care ofera contracte de inchiriere anvelope cu plata per kilometru. In mare parte, datorita independentei brandului sau, RTR Tyre Management ofera constant cel mai mic pret per kilometru deoarece se bazeaza pe rezultatul final al numarului de kilometri in combinatie cu pretul de achizitie al anvelopei, increderea in perioada de viata si valoarea reziduala a carcasei.

Frank Robert, manager-ul RTR Tyre Management a declarat: “La inceput am avut unele probleme in legatura cu pretul pe care trebuia sa-l platim pe o anvelopa de camion GT Radial, dar dupa doi ani de testari intensive a devenit clar ca randamentul kilometric rezultat este mai bun decat diferenta de pret pe care o platim.

Marc Witvrouwen, manager-ul de cont al Truck Tire Partner, distribuitor al produselor GT Radial in Benelux a declarat: “Suntem multumiti de parteneriatul cu RTR Tyre Management deoarece se bazeaza pe alegerea – cel mai bun cost pe kilometru – si confirma ca putem concura atat cu brandurile reinnoite calitativ cat si cu Aeolus, brandul principal al Profile Tyre Center. Alegerea RTR-ului este un stimulent pentru noi in a continua drumul inceput. In plus, este un avantaj pentru partenerii nostri, specialisti independenti in anvelope, care nu pot negocia contractele de inchiriere anvelope per kilometru in fiecare zi, pot beneficia de pe urma cunoasterii si cooperarii dintre GT Radial si RTR Tyre Management, fara o situatie in care trebuie sa se dedice unei strategii specifice unui anumit producator de anvelope.

Intensive cooperation between RTR Tyre Management and GT Radial in the Benelux

After a “trial” period of two years, RTR Tyre Management, the largest independent supplier of mileage contracts in the Benelux, has decided to significantly increase GT Radial’s share in the tire contracts managed and administered by RTR.

RTR Tyre Management is one of the companies in the Benelux, which specializes in tire management and offering mileage contracts. Partly because of its brand independence RTR almost always offers the lowest price per kilometer because it relies solely on the final kilometer result in combination with the purchase price of the tire, lifetime reliability and residual value of the carcass.

Frank Robert, Managing Director of RTR Tyre Management: “In the beginning we did have some trouble with the price we had to pay for a GT Radial Truck Tyre but after two years of extensive testing, it became clear that the mileage result is the higher purchase price more than worth.”

Marc Witvrouwen, account manager at Truck Tyre partner, distributor of GT Radial in the Benelux: “We are pleased to partner with RTR Tyre Management because it is based on a choice for the best cost per kilometer and confirms that we can compete with both the qualitatively renowned brands as well as with Aeolus, the house brand of Profile Tyre Center. The choice of RTR is an incentive for us to continue on the path we started. Furthermore it is an advantage that our partners, the independent tire specialists, who don’t negotiate mileage contracts on a daily base, can benefit from the knowledge and cooperation between Gt Radial and RTR, without a situation that they must commit to the specific strategy of some tire manufacturers.”